Design and Control of Street Light Circuit

1. Design of Street Light Circuit

(1) Street light circuit design and street light grounding

In the process of installing street lights in municipal lighting projects, the design of street light circuits is the foundation. In the process of designing the line, the loss of the line and the supply of voltage should be fully considered, so that the stability of the supply voltage can be effectively guaranteed.

Generally speaking, the set voltage value is 5% or more above the rated voltage value. In the process of designing the number of street lights, it should be combined with the traffic flow on the road and the lighting effect of the street lights. Lighting should be such that the largest group needs can be met.

With the continuous improvement of the economic level, at present, there are mainly two monitoring modes: computer monitoring and wireless control. The main problem in the grounding process of street lights is that the installation specifications are not uniform.

At this stage, the most widely used grounding system is the TN-S system, which has a relatively high safety factor. Its main working principle is as follows:

The current and the voltage to ground on the special protection line PE are both zero. The leakage protector is used on the main line, and part of the PE line is passed over the leakage protector to make it repeatedly grounded. In terms of selecting PE wire materials, generally speaking, the metal sheath or galvanized round steel of armored cables is used more.

Practice has shown that setting a group of grounding electrodes at the starting point, the appropriate interval in the middle and the end point where the street light passes, and setting the grounding resistance below 4n can greatly improve the grounding effect and reduce the probability of electric shock accidents. has very important practical significance.

(2) Direct burial technology of street light cables

At present, with the continuous development and progress of science and technology, in the process of street light circuit design, overhead routes have been gradually replaced by direct burial of cables, and have become the mainstream of street light circuit design. To a certain extent, the direct burial technology of street light cables has the advantages of economical application, but it also needs to be carried out on the basis of compliance with relevant regulations, as follows:

First, the relevant laying personnel should carefully check the specifications, models and quality of the cables to ensure that the cables are not damaged and the insulation resistance should be greater than 10MΩ.

Second, the round sleeve should be connected with the cable core wire as much as possible, and the copper core cable should be crimped with a pure copper sleeve. For the length of the copper pipe, it should be 10 times the diameter of the round pipe, and the wall thickness should be greater than 1mm. If the aluminum core cable is crimped with an aluminum tube, its purity and wall thickness are roughly the same as those of the copper tube, and the length should be greater than 1.2mm.

Third, relevant sealing and waterproofing work should be done at cable connections and terminals, and signs should be erected. Indicate the specifications, models and other basic information of the cables, and make original construction records.

(3) Application of line energy-saving technology

In modern society, while people’s living standards and quality of life are constantly improving, their awareness of environmental protection is also increasing. Therefore, to a certain extent, today’s society is an era that pays attention to energy conservation. Therefore, in the process of designing the street light circuit, the loss of the street light circuit should be fully considered. If the selected street light line is not appropriate, it will greatly increase the power loss of the line.

In the municipal lighting system, street lights are the most basic component, occupying the majority of the lighting system. At the same time, its consumption of energy is relatively large. Therefore, certain energy-saving treatment should be carried out in the process of designing the street light circuit.

It is necessary to combine the actual construction of road lighting projects, analyze the capacity of street lights, realize the scientific and rational planning of cable configuration, improve the matching degree of cables and street lights, so as to improve the lighting efficiency of street lights and avoid waste of resources.

2. Troubleshooting and Control Measures for Street Lights in Municipal Lighting Projects

In the municipal lighting project, one of the main items of lighting street light control is to troubleshoot the street lights. In this process, the requirements for management technology are relatively high, and it is also necessary to have a scientific and reasonable management system. Only by reducing the fault of the cable line can the efficiency of the municipal lighting project be effectively improved.

2.1 Problems that should be paid attention to in the troubleshooting of street light lines

In the process of overhauling the street light line faults in the municipal lighting project, it is necessary to establish and improve the overhaul system. Make full use of the computer system to improve the database, and record the basic information of the cable and related management in real time.

Street light line fault maintenance personnel should do a good job in preparation for maintenance, and in the actual detection process, based on the premise of safety, to achieve a combination of comprehensive detection and key monitoring. In the process of overhauling the point of failure and the scope of failure, it is necessary to use effective failure detection instruments.

For maintenance personnel, they should have high professional quality and skills. In addition, it is also necessary to have a high awareness in the maintenance and management of street light line faults, so that the efficiency of maintenance can be effectively improved, and the practicability and safety of street lights in municipal lighting projects can be guaranteed.

2.2 Management Mode of Street Light Line

In the process of overhauling the street light line fault, it is necessary to formulate the overhaul plan and ensure its integrity. Based on the line as a whole, carry out real-time monitoring of street light lines, and deal with them in a timely manner based on their actual operating status.

At present, a more advanced and practical management mode is the computer management system in the maintenance management of street light lines. It can directly display the technical parameters of the street light circuit and its actual operating status, thereby providing timely and effective information to facilitate the work of maintenance personnel and related management personnel.

3. Conclusion

To sum up, in the municipal lighting project, the design and control of the street light circuit plays a very important role. Street light circuit design and construction quality can have a direct impact on the efficiency of street light lighting. Therefore, high attention should be paid to the design and control of street light circuits to ensure the rationality of street light design and construction.