Applications and Prospects of LED Lighting

The Advantage of LED Lights

  1. High efficiency and energy saving
    It only consumes a few kilowatts of electricity in one thousand hours (ordinary 60W incandescent lamp consumes 1 kilowatt of electricity in 17 hours, and ordinary 10W energy saving lamp consumes 1 kilowatt of electricity in 100 hours).
  1. Long life
    The semiconductor chip emits light, has no filament, no glass bulb, is not afraid of vibration, and is not easily broken. The service life can reach 50,000 hours (the service life of ordinary incandescent lamps is only 1,000 hours, and the service life of ordinary energy-saving lamps is only 8,000 hours).
  1. Health
    Health light does not contain ultraviolet and infrared rays, and does not produce radiation (normal light rays contain ultraviolet rays and infrared rays).
  1. Green and environmental protection:
    It does not contain harmful elements such as mercury and xenon, which is conducive to recycling and does not cause electromagnetic interference (ordinary lamps contain elements such as mercury and lead, and electronic ballasts in energy-saving lamps will cause electromagnetic interference)
  1. Protect eyesight
    DC drive, no flicker. (Ordinary lamps are driven by AC, so stroboscopic will inevitably occur)
  1. High light efficiency
    90% of the electrical energy is converted into visible light. (95% of the electric energy of ordinary incandescent lamps is converted into heat energy, and only 5% of electric energy is converted into light energy).
  1. High safety factor
    The required voltage and current are small, the heat is small, and no safety hazard occurs, and it is used in dangerous places such as mines.

8. Great market potential.

Disadvantages of LED lights

  1. The price is expensive and it needs constant current drive.
  2. The lighting brightness is small, not suitable for large-area lighting.
  3. LED lights will also generate heat and need to dissipate heat.
  4. In the initial stage, LED lighting is mainly used in large-scale landscape lighting, and is not suitable for high-eye environments. At present, it is mainly tested.
  5. LED can not be used simply as an ordinary light source; its use must be driven by a power supply, optics and heat conduction.
  6.  The small LED lamp beads will gradually wear out after a few years of use and cannot be replaced, which will easily cause the entire table lamp to be scrapped.

The Application of LED Lights

Currently, it is mainly used in the following areas:

The Application of Display Screen

The application of display screen and traffic signal display light source. LED lights have the characteristics of shock resistance, shock resistance, fast light response, power saving and long life. They are widely used in various indoor and outdoor display screens. They are divided into full-color and two-color And monochrome display screens, there are currently more than 100 companies in the country are developing and producing. Traffic signal lights mainly use ultra-high brightness red, green, and yellow LEDs. Because the use of LED signal lights is energy-saving and reliable, traffic signal lights are gradually being updated across the country, and the promotion speed is fast, and the market demand is large. It is a good market opportunity.

Application in the Automobile Industry

Automotive lights include dashboards, audio indicators, switch backlights, reading lights and external brake lights, tail lights, side lights, and headlights. Incandescent lamps for automobiles are not resistant to vibration and impact, are easily damaged, and have a short life span. They need to be replaced frequently. In 1987, my country began to install high-position brake lights on cars. Due to the fast response speed of LEDs, it can remind the driver to brake as soon as possible and reduce rear-end collisions. In developed countries, the use of LED-made central rear high-position brake lights has become a standard part of automobiles.

The LED car taillight modules launched by HP in 1996 can be combined into various car taillights at will. In addition, the light source in the car dashboard and other various lighting parts can be used as ultra-high brightness light-emitting lamps, so LED displays are gradually being adopted.

Our country’s automobile industry is in a period of great development, and it is an excellent time to promote ultra-high-brightness LEDs. In recent years, an annual output value of 1 billion yuan will be formed, and an annual output value of 3 billion yuan within 5 years.

LED backlights

LED backlights are most eye-catching with high-efficiency side-emitting backlights. As LCD backlight applications, LEDs have the characteristics of long life, high luminous efficiency, non-interference and high cost performance. They have been widely used in electronic watches, mobile phones, and electronics. Calculator and credit card machine. With the increasing miniaturization of portable electronic products, LED backlights have more advantages, so the backlight manufacturing technology will be thinner, low power consumption and uniform. LED is a key component of mobile phones. An ordinary mobile phone needs about 10 LED devices, while a color screen and a mobile phone with camera function need about 20 LED devices. At this stage, the backlight consumption of mobile phones is very large, and 3.5 billion LED chips are used a year.

At present, our country’s mobile phone production is very large, and most of the LED backlights are imported. For domestic LED products, this is an excellent market opportunity.

LED lighting source

Early products have low luminous efficiency, and the light intensity can only reach a few to dozens of mcds. They are suitable for indoor applications, such as household appliances, instrumentation, communication equipment, microcomputers and toys. At present, the direct goal is to replace incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps with LED light sources, and this replacement trend has begun to develop from local application areas. In order to save energy, Japan is planning to replace incandescent light-emitting diode projects (known as “Lighting Japan”), with a budget of 5 billion yen for the first five years.

If LED replaces half of incandescent and fluorescent lamps, energy equivalent to 6 billion liters of crude oil can be saved every year, equivalent to the power generation of five 1.35×106kW nuclear power plants, and it can reduce the production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and improve people’s living and living. surroundings. my country also invested 5 billion yuan in 2004 to vigorously develop energy-saving and environmentally friendly semiconductor lighting programs.

Plant grow lighting

It is the most economical way to use monochromatic color fluorescent lamps as supplementary light sources for plant growth. For example, a red fluorescent lamp can be added to the ordinary fluorescent lamp group, or a combination of red and blue fluorescent lamps can be used for illumination.

The effect of light on the synthesis of plant chlorophyll: The plants cultivated in blue light generally have the characteristics of sun plants, while the plants cultivated in red light are similar to shade plants. Red light is not only conducive to the synthesis of plant carbohydrates, but also accelerates the development of long-day plants. On the contrary, blue-violet light accelerates the development of short-day plants and promotes the synthesis of proteins and organic acids, while short-wave blue-violet light and ultraviolet light can inhibit stems. Internode elongation promotes the growth of multiple side branches and buds.

LEDs are used for plant growth lights with 400 ~ 520nm (blue) light and 610 ~ 720nm (red) to contribute the most to photosynthesis. The light of 520 ~ 610nm (green) has a very low absorption rate by plant pigments.

The emission spectrum of LED is a band spectrum with a certain bandwidth, and the spectrum is rich, which can be controlled by artificial intelligence. LED light source is waterproof and moisture-proof, suitable for plant growth environment; low heat is suitable for short-distance irradiation; DC low voltage is safer; high efficiency, energy saving, light and environmental protection. Combining red, orange, green, blue and purple LEDs into a light source can adjust the wavelength and light intensity of the spectrum to better meet the growth needs of crops and microalgae. Can increase its output, improve quality and save energy.

The intelligent dimming spectrum technology that matches the emission spectrum of LED with the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll, carotenoids and phycobili pigments scientifically matches the spectrum wavelength and light intensity of different types of plants.

Other applications

For example, a kind of flash shoes that are popular with children, the built-in LED flashes and emits light when walking. Only in Wenzhou area 500 million light-emitting diodes are used a year; the light-emitting diodes are used as the power indicator of electric toothbrushes.

LED lighting market outlook

In the early stage, LED was dominated by monochromatic light. Although the power was small and the price was high, its reliability was high, controllability was strong, and the volume was small. Therefore, the first emerging market was electronic device indicator lights. With the gradual development of LED lighting fixtures, in public places such as auxiliary lighting for lighting projects, LED lighting fixtures have gradually replaced some traditional light source products. In 2009, LED lamps began to enter mainstream lighting in developed countries. The market has recognized and accepted LED lighting products to a certain extent. The environmental protection, small size, and high reliability of LED lamps are gradually becoming more prominent.

With the gradual development of LED lighting, LED has gradually replaced some traditional light source products in public places such as auxiliary lighting for lighting projects. In 2009, LED began to enter the popularization of main lighting in developed countries. In commercial applications where electricity costs are high and the use time is long, LED lamps have quickly become the new favorite of the market.

Based on the cost analysis of the full life cycle of LED lamps, compared with traditional lamps of the same efficiency, LED bulbs, LED spotlights, and LED downlights have a full cycle cost that is significantly lower than that of traditional lighting. Obvious competitive advantage. The life cycle cost of the LED straight tube lamp is basically the same as that of traditional lighting, and it is expected that it will show a more obvious cost advantage in 2025 and realize the promotion of alternative use. In outdoor lighting fixtures, among the LED lamps used to replace 250W high pressure sodium lamps, the cost of LED street lamps and tunnel lamps is lower than the cost of traditional lighting, and the cost gap is about 30%. Competitive advantages such as LED street lamps and tunnels have emerged. According to the development trend of LED lighting luminaires with decreasing prices and increasing performance, it is estimated that by 2025, the overall life cycle cost of most LED luminaires will be significantly lower than that of traditional lamps and become the mainstream lighting source.

As a rising star in the field of lighting, LED lights have a bright future. In addition to lighting manufacturers represented by Tachyon and many LED vendors, relevant government departments are also vigorously promoting the development of the LED industry. In 2009, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China launched a semiconductor lighting application demonstration city program called “Ten Cities and Ten Thousands”. It plans to promote LED lights in 21 developed cities in the first phase and install 2 million LED lights in 50 cities in the second phase. Achieve the goal of saving 1 billion kWh of electricity annually.

Our country’s LED lighting application market has begun to take shape. It is expected that with the introduction and implementation of domestic LED lighting product subsidies and other supporting policies, the domestic LED lighting application market will experience rapid growth in the past two years. With the continuous improvement of the performance of semiconductor lighting products and the continuous reduction of manufacturing costs, as well as the improvement of related application environments, such as standards, product certification and testing, engineering application design and demonstration, and related policies, the application of LED lighting will Maintain a high growth rate from 2020 to 2030. According to the calculation of lamp data, it is expected that its share in the lighting market will increase to about 60% in 2030, becoming one of the most competitive mainstream lighting sources.