Что такое индекс цветопередачи

Что такое индекс цветопередачи (CRI)?

Не можете отличить черные носки от темно-синего цвета в гардеробной? Возможно, у вашего текущего источника освещения очень низкий индекс цветопередачи! Не весь свет равен; один свет передает цвет лучше, чем другой. Индекс цветопередачи (CRI) – это измерение того, как цвета выглядят под источником света по сравнению с солнечным светом. Индекс измеряется от 0 до 100, при этом идеальные 100 указывают на то, что цвета под источником света выглядят такими же, как и при естественном солнечном свете.… Read More

Why Filament Lights Are Not So Efficient as LED Light

Why LEDs are more Efficient than Filament Bulbs?

LEDs radiate almost no heat, so they are much more efficient than ordinary filament bulbs. Therefore, the percentage of electricity used is much higher than that of filament bulbs, because filament bulbs will eventually generate a considerable amount of electricity which is converted into heat.

At present, many countries are gradually introducing bans on filament bulbs, and the ban will be introduced at the end of 2021.… Read More

Luces LED VS luces HPS

¿Dónde se utilizan comúnmente las lámparas HPS?

Tanto las bombillas de haluro metálico como las de sodio de alta presión forman parte de la familia de bombillas HID. La principal diferencia visual entre ellos es que la luz de halogenuros metálicos es blanca y la luz emitida por una bombilla de sodio de alta presión es de color naranja ámbar. La lámpara funciona creando un arco eléctrico a través del metal de sodio vaporizado.… Read More

What is Green LED Light Used for

How does LED emit red, green and blue light

The luminous color and luminous efficiency of LED are related to the material and process of making LED. At present, red, green and blue are widely used. Because the working voltage of LED is low (only 1.5-3V), it can emit light actively and has a certain brightness. The brightness can be adjusted by voltage (or current).… Read More

Parking Lot Light

Perché abbiamo bisogno dell’illuminazione stradale

Un lampione, un palo della luce, un lampione, un lampione, uno stenditoio o uno stenditoio è una fonte di luce rialzata sul bordo di una strada o di un sentiero. Quando la distribuzione di energia elettrica urbana divenne onnipresente nei paesi sviluppati nel 20 ° secolo, le luci per le strade urbane seguirono, o talvolta guidarono.

Parking Lot Light

Molte lampade sono dotate di fotocellule fotosensibili che attivano la lampada automaticamente quando necessario, nei momenti in cui la luce ambientale è scarsa o assente, come al tramonto, all’alba o all’inizio di condizioni meteorologiche buie.… Read More

Full Spectrum Metal Halide Lamp

Introduction to Full Spectrum Metal Halide Lamps

Full-spectrum metal halide lamps can emit light that is most similar to natural light, because the light they emit is full-spectrum, that is, all light waves have. This includes all colors of visible light, and a small part of ultraviolet light.

Working principle of metal halide lamp

The full-spectrum metal halide lamp is a discharge lamp that is operated by an AC power source and produces arc discharge in the mixed vapor of mercury and rare metal halide.… Read More

LED-Straßenlaternen sind gesundheitsschädlich

LED-Straßenlaternen sind gut für die Umwelt. Sie verbrauchen viel weniger Energie als herkömmliche HID-Leuchten (High Intensity Discharge), halten dreimal länger und reduzieren die Treibhausgasemissionen und Wartungskosten. Im Allgemeinen tragen LED-Leuchten auch weniger zum Eindringen von Licht bei, da sie eine direkte Beleuchtung abgeben. Aufgrund all ihrer großartigen Eigenschaften haben viele Städte begonnen, von HID auf LED-Straßenlaternen umzusteigen.

Zum Beispiel befindet sich die Stadt Davis in Nordkalifornien und hat ungefähr 66.000 Einwohner.… Read More

High Temperature Resistant Light Fixtures

What is high temperature LED

From pulp and paper mills, foundries to steel mills, many industrial environments are places with high heat and high temperature. And, although most lights will falter in this harsh environment, high-temperature LEDs have emerged in the face of this harshest environment.

Including lamps ranging from LED floodlights to high bay lights and low bay lights, there are multiple options for each application.… Read More

Avantages et inconvénients du lampadaire solaire

L’énergie solaire gagne en popularité en tant que source fiable d’éclairage public partout dans le monde. Certains des avantages associés aux lampadaires solaires comprennent une dépendance réduite à l’énergie conventionnelle, la conservation de l’énergie et une moindre dépendance au réseau national. Dans les pays où la lumière du soleil est abondante, les lampes solaires sont la meilleure option pour éclairer les rues, le jardin, les parcs et autres espaces publics.… Read More

How Does Conserving Energy Help the Environment

Accelerating the transformation of the extensive growth mode characterized by “high investment, high consumption, high emissions, difficult to recycle, and low efficiency” and taking the road of scientific development has become an urgent requirement for international economic and social development, and it is also a fundamental way to achieve the goal of energy conservation and consumption reduction.

LED lighting energy-saving renovation plan

With the development of social economy, energy is becoming more and more tense, environmental pollution is becoming more and more prominent, energy saving, consumption reduction, environmental protection and sustainable development have become the main theme of the development of the international society.… Read More