Iluminação da quadra de vôlei – Guia de projeto, padrão e requisitos de iluminação LED

Com a melhoria dos padrões de vida, as necessidades do público em geral para instalações esportivas estão aumentando constantemente, especialmente nas cidades. A maior parte do tempo dos esportes é à noite, então a iluminação do local se tornou uma necessidade. Como escolher as luminárias certas, melhorar a taxa de utilização do local, garantir a luminosidade do local e reduzir os custos de manutenção são questões importantes que os gerentes do local devem considerar.… Read More

Some Misunderstandings about Plant Growth Lights

Misunderstanding 1: Lumen = photosynthesis

Lumens is a suitable method to measure the light produced by plant growth lamps. Measuring light lumens for photosynthesis is just plain silly. We know that lumen (scientific symbol: LM) is a measure of how much light the human eye perceives. It does not measure the light that drives photosynthesis in any way. Simply put, lumen measures the total amount of light from a particular light source that is visible to the human eye.… Read More

Схема освещения теннисного корта и дизайн освещения

Размер стандартного теннисного корта составляет не менее 36,58 метра (длина) х 18,29 метра (ширина). Этот размер также равен чистому размеру сетки вокруг стандартного теннисного корта или внутренней стены внутреннего здания. В этой зоне стандартный размер эффективного парного пола составляет: 23,77 метра (длина) x 10,97 метра (ширина), и за каждой лицевой линией должно быть не менее 3,66 метра открытого пространства.

Установите сетку на корте.… Read More

The Development History of Lamp_Part II

What is the meaning of the mark on the common fluorescent Tube?

In addition to the brand mark and serial number of each manufacturer or distributor, the signs printed on fluorescent lamps in China often include the type of fluorescent lamp, the diameter of glass tube and the color temperature, etc

1).Symbol indicating the type of fluorescent lamp

YZ: ordinary straight tube fluorescent lamp (y is the first letter of “fluorescent lamp” Chinese Pinyin, Z is the first letter of “Zhi” Chinese Pinyin)

YK: fast start fluorescent lamp (k is “fast start”) .… Read More

Lámparas para canchas de básquetbol al aire libre

Con la implementación adicional de la política nacional de aptitud física nacional y la construcción de una potencia deportiva, el concepto de proteger el medio ambiente, ahorrar energía y reducir las emisiones ha ganado apoyo popular, y las ventajas de la iluminación LED en las canchas de baloncesto se han vuelto más prominentes. La iluminación del baloncesto, una parte discreta de la industria de fabricación de artículos deportivos de China, la está utilizando para iluminar la luz sin deslumbramiento e iluminar la carretera inteligente de la industria.… Read More

The Development History of Lamp_Part I

For hundreds of thousands of years, human beings have been using firelight to illuminate, until human beings have known and mastered the law of electricity and invented the electric light source, the history of human lighting with lamps has entered a new stage.

The beginning of using electric energy for lighting

In 1802, Russian physics professor Pedrov was inspired by the fact that American physicist Franklin used the method of flying kites to lead to sparks: can the electric sparks generated when the two ends of the battery pack are connected by wires become lasting lights for illumination ?… Read More

Illuminazione del campo da rugby – Luci LED per campi da rugby e stadio

L’illuminazione del campo da rugby è una parte importante di una partita di rugby ed è di grande importanza per una partita di rugby. L’illuminazione del campo da rugby è una parte importante della progettazione del campo da rugby ed è più complicata. Non solo deve soddisfare i requisiti per gli atleti per giocare e guardare il pubblico, ma anche per soddisfare i requisiti di temperatura del colore, illuminamento e uniformità dell’illuminazione nelle trasmissioni televisive in diretta.… Read More

LED Characteristics and Test Methods_Part IV

LED Welding Precautions

LED Electrostatic Discharge (ESD for short) test:

General LED anti-static: above 500KV; blue, white, and pure green light above 200V.

At present, the biggest problem in the use of high-brightness LEDs is the impact of ESD (static electricity). Static electricity is the main factor causing the leakage of LED materials (IR / reverse current). 90% of the static electricity comes from the failure to ground the equipment and the operator not equipped with corresponding anti-static settings.… Read More

Was bewirkt, dass die LED-Leuchten gedimmt werden?

LED-Beleuchtung hat die Vorteile von Sicherheit, Zuverlässigkeit, Umweltschutz usw. und ist in verschiedenen Bereichen der Gesellschaft weit verbreitet, was zur Förderung des sozialen Fortschritts und zur Verbesserung des Lebensstandards der Menschen beiträgt. Um jedoch die Anforderungen an Lichtqualität und Energieeinsparung zu erfüllen, muss das Problem der Erhöhung der Helligkeit der Beleuchtung vollständig berücksichtigt werden. In dieser Phase spiegelt sich die Helligkeit der LED-Beleuchtung hauptsächlich in der unzureichenden Anwendung wissenschaftlicher und technologischer Mittel und dem Mangel an Lösungen für das Helligkeitsdesign wider.… Read More

LED Characteristics and Test Methods_Part III

Value transfer

Luminous intensity is the main optical parameter of LED devices. Because some LEDs are non-point light sources and anisotropic, many errors will occur during the LED photometric test under near-field conditions. Therefore, CIE recommends using the concept of average LED intensity as the basis for measuring the luminous intensity of LEDs. Currently the best LED testing technology is to compare the tested LED with a reference standard sample tube whose spectrum and spatial power distribution are as close as possible to the same.… Read More