Urban Lighting Construction

The Meaning of Urban Lighting

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the world’s economic and social development level and the continuous expansion of urban construction scale, the investment in urban infrastructure construction has also increased year by year, and urban lighting has received unprecedented attention. Projects of landscape lighting and road lighting are constantly displayed in front of people.

The focus of urban lighting construction has gradually evolved from functional lighting for public facilities and places such as roads to urban landscape lighting. And high-quality urban lighting has become an efficient form of advertising, a beautiful city card.

Through the implementation of urban lighting work in recent years, the night scenes of many cities have become more beautiful, the image and taste of the city have been greatly improved, and directly promoted the development of night consumption and tourism economy.

However, due to the late start of some urban lighting work, lack of systematic research and sufficient professional and technical personnel, there are still many unsatisfactory aspects of urban lighting construction. Issues such as the lack of urban characteristics in the same design, the blind pursuit of brightness, and light pollution disturbing the people.

Therefore, in order to carry out the construction of urban lighting, keep up with the pace of the overall urban planning and integrate with modern civilization, it is necessary to innovate the traditional construction mode, so that it can better serve the people and icing on the cake for urban construction.

Based on urban planning, highlighting urban characteristics

Urban lighting is an important part of urban infrastructure construction, and it is also a vivid carrier for inheriting and promoting modern civilization in the overall urban planning. A good urban lighting is not a single beautification and lighting, it must avoid imitation, plagiarism, and repeat the mistakes of “a thousand cities, one face” in the construction of many cities.

According to the requirements of the city’s overall plan, the special planning of urban lighting should be done well and included in the city’s overall plan. Based on the planning characteristics and architectural style of a city, the focus of lighting construction is determined, and the city characteristics are highlighted.


Correctly handle the relationship between the single body and the whole. It is not only dependent on the overall plan of the city, but also in line with the architectural style of the city. In particular, it is necessary to plan and determine the urban lighting construction plan according to the city’s highway network, building groups, garden attractions, commercial areas, cultural activities venues, etc., and clarify the basic lighting indicators of each functional area.


Under the guidance of the principle of urban lighting special planning, people-oriented, scientific design, and improve the quality of urban lighting construction. Make the lighting facilities become the fire tree and silver flower that embellish the modern city, and at the same time add beauty to the city’s daylight, so that the main construction of the city and the lighting decoration are in harmony, and truly reflect the image characteristics of the city and its political, economic, cultural and cultural connotations.

Clear purpose, insist on people-oriented

At present, due to the unclear purpose of some urban lighting projects, it is easy to become a performance project that ignores the feelings of the citizens, and becomes a project that the government is active but the citizens are indifferent or even opposed, which violates the original purpose of “urban lighting”.


With the improvement of living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for lighting. Manufacturers and designers not only have to meet people’s visual requirements, but also to provide people with a visual enjoyment, that is, desingers should also improve the artistic taste of lighting. Only when the general public feels good-looking and comfortable is a successful lighting project.

Therefore, when designing urban lighting projects, we should proceed from reality and put people first. Create a good lighting environment for people’s night activities, and can fully reflect the urban natural and cultural landscape elements, highlight the city’s characteristics, give full play to its advantages according to local conditions, and truly achieve the harmony and unity of functionality and decoration.


Where the city, people and light converge, there is a demand for urban lighting. Moreover, healthy, safe, and energy-saving lighting has become a new development direction for urban lighting construction. The real charm of successful urban lighting is that you can discover how it always serves the physical and mental health of all citizens, and the health of citizens is and should always be maintained and become the core goal.

Grasp the key points

The city night landscape lighting project is an icing on the cake. Adjust measures to local conditions and use modern lighting art methods rationally. Through the role of light, highlight and exaggerate the advantages and characteristics of objects. Give people a sense of beauty, three-dimensionality and modernity. Construct a landscape that reflects the light and the characteristics of the city itself.


Landscape lighting must highlight the key points. Lighting should focus on regional work with different life characteristics and cultural atmosphere. In the selection and procurement of materials, we strive to suit the characteristics of the local landscape. Upgrade in terms of color, taste and style to pursue fashion.


At the same time, manufacturers and engineers should pay attention to the combination of points and districts. The lighting needs to be properly matched. Adhere to high standards and high starting points. Radiate and extend from the central area to the periphery, focusing on the overall illumination. Be good at making choices when it comes to lighting individuals.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify whether the object of illumination is a piece of brocade. And whether it is sufficiently representative. If it is, then we will design the landscape lighting according to the characteristics of this brocade. The lighting scheme will particularly highlight its advantages. If it is a piece of “rag”, it cannot be deliberately brightened to highlight its “broken”.

Furthermore, when designing individual landscape lighting, one should not think that night lighting is bright. A successful landscape lighting design lies not in pure brightness, but in contrast. The visual effect can be most satisfying when the brightness contrast between the illuminated surface and the background is optimal. This contrast includes brightness contrast, color contrast, conversion contrast, etc.

Promote energy saving, pay attention to harmony with the environment

Urban lighting projects must fully consider the impact on the environment. Nowadays, some cities have too much lighting. They often use strong night lighting to create artificial daylight with spilled light. This not only lacks aesthetics, but some even caused serious light pollution. As it`ll affect the normal life of other creatures including citizens, animals, plants, etc. living in the same environment.

According to relevant research data, light will have a greater impact on people’s physical conditions, mental activities, and emotions. Especially light color, spectral composition, ultraviolet radiation, light flicker, light color, etc. will affect people’s physical and mental health.


This must arouse the attention of urban lighting management departments and designers. In the design, engineers must fully consider the requirements of lighting for human health. At the same time, the requirements for environmental and social development must also be considered. At the same time, urban lighting must also consider energy saving.


Urban lighting serves urban development, and cities need to establish a sustainable development model. Therefore, urban lighting must also pursue lower energy consumption to achieve better results. We should pay attention to absorbing international advanced technology, modern components and new ideas, and promoting the “green lighting” project.

Use high-tech energy-efficient lighting appliances. Gradually replace the traditional low-efficiency lighting electric light source. Develop the “green lighting project” into an energy-saving project that benefits the country and the people and promotes sustainable development. Improve lighting quality and efficiency, and reduce exhaust gas and waste residue emissions. Thereby reducing costs, protecting the environment and protecting resources.

Urban lighting project construction is an important image project and brand project, as well as a long-term construction project. Only by constantly improving and innovating in practice can we truly make the night of our city more colorful.