Urban Street Light Construction and Management


Street lights are an important part of urban infrastructure. With the continuous development of the market economy, people’s living standards and quality of life have been greatly improved. While material needs are being met, people’s requirements for spiritual life are also getting higher and higher. Correspondingly, the proportion of people traveling at night is also increasing.

The night lighting effect of street lamps is directly related to people’s quality of life and travel safety. It plays an increasingly important role in urban construction. At the same time, with the improvement of people’s aesthetic level, in addition to the lighting effect, the aesthetics and energy saving of street lamps are also increasingly attracting people’s attention. However, due to the late start of street lamp construction, there are still many problems in the process of street lamp construction and management, which need to be paid attention by the government and solved.

1. Status Quo of Urban Street Lighting Construction

1.1 The street lamp construction market is chaotic

In the construction of the city, street lamps have always been used as the basic supporting facilities of road projects for construction design, and there is a lack of unified design inspection standards. When designing and constructing street lamps, construction units and construction units often purchase and construct street lamps at will according to the principles of cost minimization and enterprise benefit maximization. This has led to a chaotic market in the construction of street lamps, resulting in poor construction quality of street lamps, many follow-up problems, failure of professional departments to take over smoothly, and difficulties in later management and maintenance.

1.2 There are many styles of street lamps, which affect the urban landscape

There is no unified planning and standard for the design and construction of street lamps, and the types of lamps in the construction market are complex and diverse. Therefore, street lamps used in urban roads often do not have uniform models and standards. In urban planning, although the division of the city according to roads and residential areas is considered, and different conditions for the use of street lamps are stipulated, in actual construction, different styles of street lamps are often seen at intersections and adjacent areas. There are even 4 different styles of street lights on some overpasses, affecting the overall landscape of the city.


1.3 Lack of special planning for street lamp construction

The continuous development of the city has put forward higher requirements for the construction of street lamps. In addition to the inconsistency of lamp types and the confusion of the construction market, the construction of different urban projects in different periods also poses problems for the construction of street lamps. Due to the lack of special and unified street lamp planning, road widening and renovation often result in repeated construction of street lamps, which brings a great waste of investment in construction funds and human and material resources.


1.4 The communication and cooperation between the construction unit and the professional department are not in place

Urban road construction is an organic whole, which requires planning and purposeful connection of street lamps when building urban street lamps. The construction of street lamps involves not only the planning of urban road lighting systems, but also the operation of urban power supply networks. Improper construction of street lamps will bring inconvenience to the handover of street lamp facilities. At present, there are still serious loopholes in the review and approval of urban street lighting schemes.

2. Analysis of the Status Quo of Urban Street Light Construction Management

2.1 Unclear management responsibilities

Due to the lack of a unified street lamp management department, various street lamps in the city have been in a state of no special personnel to manage and maintain them for a long time after they are built. After a problem occurs, various relevant departments shirk responsibility for each other, resulting in no maintenance after the street light facilities are damaged, and there are often cases where cables are stolen but no one cares. This has brought great economic losses to urban construction, and also has an impact on the daily life of citizens.


2.2 The supervision system is not perfect

Currently, streetlight construction and streetlight maintenance are carried out separately. The selection of street lamp construction units is mainly based on bidding, and the construction unit does not need to be responsible for the maintenance and management of street lamps after completion. Therefore, in the process of street lamp construction, construction units often only focus on economic benefits and ignore the quality of street lamp construction projects. The street lamp maintenance unit has no clear supervision responsibilities for the construction unit, and the government’s supervision system for the construction of street lamps is not perfect, which brings great difficulty to the later maintenance of street lamps.


2.3 Insufficient funds for street lamp maintenance

Since many street lights are not up to standard during construction, more funds are often required to be invested in later maintenance. However, at present, most urban street lamp constructions do not have special maintenance funds, and they are all drawn from the street lamp surcharge. The lack of cost has led to many street lamps being in a state of inadequate management, which has seriously affected the normal operation of street lamps.

3. Strategies for Optimizing the Construction and Management of Urban Street Lamps

3.1 Establish and standardize the street light management department

Fundamentally speaking, to do a good job in the construction and management of urban street lamps, it is first necessary to establish and standardize the urban street lamp management department to solve the problem of unclear management responsibilities of street lamps. Then standardize and rationalize the construction and management of street lamps, and do a good job in the construction and management of street lamps.

This requires the government to attach importance to the construction and management of urban street lights, and carry out the planning of the street light management department. Do a good job in the allocation of rights and responsibilities to avoid the phenomenon of multi-department management of street lamps. At the same time, the construction and maintenance of street lamps are integrated to ensure the quality of street lamp construction from the source, and to facilitate the development and handover of later management and maintenance work.


3.2 Unified planning for the construction management of street lamps

To optimize the construction and management of urban street lamps, the top priority is to formulate unified standards for the construction planning of urban street lamps, and to speed up the legislative process of relevant laws, regulations and policies. Make the street light management have a unified reference standard in order to improve the quality of street light construction and beautify the urban landscape.

The planning standards for street lamp construction should be formulated according to the specific conditions of each city, and cannot be separated from the actual level of urban economic development and people’s lives. At the same time, according to the layout and planning of the city, street lamps of different grades and specifications should be properly selected to coordinate with the road construction and architectural landscape of the city.

Generally speaking, in areas with relatively developed economy, the energy saving and aesthetics of street lamps can be properly considered when choosing street lamps. Street lights in tourist attractions should be in harmony with the scenery of the scenic spots. If street lamps are to be installed in historical sites, first of all, the damage to the architectural landscape should not be caused, and the harmony and unity of ancient buildings and street lamps should be pursued. For small cities with relatively backward economic development, more attention should be paid to their economic practicability in the selection of street lamps. Choose more specifications and colors of street lamps to achieve the unification of street lamp styles.

3.3 Establish a remote monitoring system for street lamps

In view of the fact that street lights are scattered all over the city, manual management is more difficult. It is very necessary to establish a remote monitoring system for street lamps to supervise and manage damage to street lamps, untimely maintenance, and cable theft.

The traditional manual inspection and mass reporting methods have a large workload and low supervision efficiency. Relatively speaking, the establishment of a remote supervision system can not only achieve 24h uninterrupted control, but also take into account every corner of the city, which greatly saves manpower and material costs. Convert passive maintenance to active repair, improve work efficiency. It has a deterrent effect on cracking down on malicious damage to street lights and theft of cables, and improves the timeliness of discovery.

3.4 Actively raise funds for the construction and management of street lamps

In the construction of road and street lamps, we should take into account the financing of the later maintenance of street lamps. We can start from the following aspects:

① During the road construction of the main and secondary roads, the street lights of the nearby main and secondary roads should be planned into the road construction plan. When planning urban buildings and garden landscapes, the street lights in their buildings or landscapes should also be included in the plan, and the construction and maintenance funds of street lights should be listed separately in their construction plan investment funds.

② Following the principle of “integration of construction and maintenance”, at the beginning of the project construction, the maintenance and management agreement and fund management principles for the later stage of the street lamps are set, and the effective management of funds is implemented.

③ The construction and management funds of urban street lamps shall be included in the annual financial plan as public goods expenditures, and the municipal finance department shall be required to allocate special funds to be invested in the maintenance of street lamps.

④ In the urban construction supporting fee and maintenance fee, set up a special maintenance fund for street lamps as the maintenance fee for street lamps.

4. Conclusion

The construction and management of urban street lights is a systematic project. In the construction and management of street lamps, not only the planning of the entire urban lighting system should be considered, but also a certain understanding of the urban power supply network, and overall consideration of the urban landscape design.

The construction and management of street lamps is a necessary measure for building a modern and harmonious city, which is of great significance to people’s living and working and safe travel, and can promote the economic development and harmonious construction of the society. Therefore, it is necessary to have a full and clear understanding of the status quo of urban street lamp construction management. Actively understand the problems existing in the construction and management of urban street light facilities, and propose corresponding solutions in a targeted manner, improve the construction and management of urban street lights, and promote the rapid development of urban infrastructure construction.